Re-Discovering My Gardens

After working with the same organization since 1996, I had to leave the work I love for health reasons.  While I have been grief struck at the loss of my “so-called” professional career, a career in teaching & learning that I spent my whole life building, I am now having to learn to re-direct my energies in other directions.  Now my limited & often unpredictable energies must be continually triaged in the following manner - MY "ALLTIDE" TRINITY: FIRST - PRIMARY SURVIVAL NEEDS: ME & MY HEALTH (the lesson of take oxygen for myself first – I can’t help anyone else if I am dead), Next - Family Needs - I am part of a larger family & I have responsibiliies to help in caring for my family & the nest we share (the lessons of the unconditional bonds of family in all of its beautifully diverse forms)... the third & final component of my interrelated "Alltide" trinity of life is my home community & the Earth we share… Everything I do must now be linked to these three core pillars of my life – the alltide trinity of me…  I am (slowly) learning to reconsider where I want & need to be spending my energies.  In addition to the hobbies and pursuits of my family, my long neglected lifelong projects relating the gardens of my life... sowing gardens (seeds, bulbs. seedlings, saplings, cuttings, transplants & the associated Mad-Hatters Tea Parties...), sewing gardens (textiles, fabrics, garments, & patchwork "crazy" quilts) & so-so-so-ing gardens (scribing letters & poems & two dimensional artful seeds of hope.  I will be sure to make time for these, but above all I look forward to spending time with family doing whatever we all happen to be doing, together, with me continuing to practice mindful, gentle care with myself, others & the Earth we share...

All fir now, Sue 8) ... justascribe...
... 3 ( : 8 : ) E . . .
