A Video - Digital Story from 2015

 Hi there - Hope you are well

Unfortunately, I have not been well, but I do not have to look far in my life to realize how much I have to be grateful for...In fact, there have been many silver linings from this particularly challenging time of my life. First and foremost, although I consider myself a "scribe" I have reconnected with art - People often think that art is just for professional artists but in reality art is for everyone - we all have art in us to share - it just comes out in different ways, through different modalities and believe me ART WORKS! Art is both a process and a product and when we engage in art for art's sake (whatever form it takes) it can be a helpful, healthful & hopeful activity. For me it used to be reading, writing and running, for my Mom it is gardening, for my Dad it was woodworking, for my Nana it was quilting, for my Grandad it was fiddling - everyone expresses their story and their art in different ways.
I am so thankful to have become part of the "ART WORKS" group that exists thanks to the partnership of the QEII, volunteers and the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia. My health challenges also led to my connecting with the Mosaic for Mental Health, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), the Healthy Minds Cooperative, Community Mental Health, Veith Street Gallery, Creative Spirit East, Clara's Big Ride, "Bell - Let's Talk" among other initiatives, but especially the various mindfulness programs through our region.
I have only survived this far due to the ocean of support from my family, friends, colleagues and mentors as well as innovative programs like the collaborative "First Voice Digital Storytelling" initiative which recently assisted me in completing a brief (3 minute-ish) digital story video that brings together some of my art, photos and words in a collaborative statement of where I am now with my health. Many, many thanks to all who helped me with this - directly and indirectly from near and far - some of you know who you are, some of you do not. Thanks to all. We all have stories to share and we need more of these types of collaborative arts programs to help people in taking the time and care to be mindful, share their stories and help each other. All for me for now...Take gentle care, Sue 8)

p.s. ONLY IF you are interested, you can view the video online on YOUTUBE using the link below - please let me know if you have trouble accessing the video as, believe it or not this is the first video I have created and uploaded to YOUTUBE at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCF_Jg0EbYs&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR1GyuzuHV_sjrQ666wS649-4ScE57UR4-GJ-Sp0NhIUryf7aIppfey72vM
